We are our relationships

We are our relationships
Principal's Blog

We are our relationships – the connections that flow between us help make us who we are, enlighten us and can even transform us.

As a school, UTS thrives on the power of our connections between staff, students, alumni, parents and the broader community. Especially for our younger students, the quality of relationships can have a profound impact on their lives as they learn and grow. We don’t want our students to be successful solely in academics; we want them to thrive – to be happy, to have a sense of purpose and a sense of belonging to something greater than themselves.  

Research shows that students feeling connected to an adult at school, whether a teacher, a counsellor, coach or staff person, makes all the difference. Feeling seen and known by a caring adult has a positive impact on a student’s wellbeing and mental health, which in turn, supports their academic success. Relationships matter.

This school year, we are working to ensure that connections exist for all of our students with our staff. We are looking thoughtfully and carefully across all the grades to identify any student who may be in need of additional support. This work, done through a thoughtful process, is referred to as relationship mapping. It is the foundation for research done by the Harvard Graduate School of Education’s Making Caring Common Project

The goal of the relationship mapping, which will be led by the capable hands of the UTS Social Work team, is to develop a school-wide understanding of the positive connections that students have with our teachers, staff, coaches and counsellors. Once we know where relationships are strong, we will identify where more work needs to take place. The goal is to proactively build trusting relationships with all students. 

Throughout the year, I will provide you with more information on the work we are doing to foster a greater culture of belonging at UTS. Together, we can build connections that matter for students, for staff and for our families. I am excited to undertake this work with you.

Dr. Leanne Foster
UTS Principal

Read more of Dr. Foster's blog


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We are our relationships