Inclusion by Design

UTS stands firmly against racism.

Anti-Racism, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (AEDI): Inclusion by Design

We strive daily to be a school community where we all feel welcome. Where racism is dismantled and there is no discrimination of any kind. One where everyone is treated equitably, with respect and kindness. The journey comes with brave conversations and constant reckoning. Anti-racism, diversity, equity and inclusion are interwoven into all that we do.

Equity is neither optional nor negotiable.

This is who we are as a school; these are the values to which we will be held accountable. We are vested with a deep determination. We have a vision, and a plan, and the will of our community behind us. We can do better, and we will, together.   

Our shared responsibility

In 2021, UTS commissioned Dr. Avis Glaze OOnt, to initiate a review of UTS policies, and practices, and engage in focus groups with UTS stakeholders, namely students, staff, parents and alumni, and to provide a set of recommendations regarding areas of improvement when addressing Anti-racism, equity, diversity and inclusion at UTS.  

In 2022, Dr. Glaze delivered her report: Anti-Racism, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion: Our Shared Responsibility “the Glaze Report, which outlined 57 recommendations to drive positive change and take practical steps to address racism, improve diversity and engender a sense of inclusion and meaningful belonging for students and staff from under-represented groups.  

The Glaze Report made it clear that in order for the school to embrace meaningful change and progress, it needed an experienced leader to take on this multifaceted initiative. The first step was establishing the position of coordinating vice principal, anti-racism, equity, inclusion, access and innovation programs to embed progress within our school administration. Dr. Kimberley Tavares has been appointed to the role. Guided by her presence and wealth of experience, UTS will assess the recommendations in the Glaze Report and map out an implementation plan that will be integrated into the school’s long-term Strategic Plan.

You belong here

No matter your race, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, or any of the other ways that make you who you are, you belong here. You have the right to be at school free of discrimination, harassment or exclusion. 

There will be training, and we are committed to growth. Our capacity will grow as our understanding deepens. At the core is our humanity and the way we care for each other. Everyone has the right to feel welcome, safe, valued, seen and included at UTS. It doesn’t matter who you are or where you come from. You are here – so you belong here.  

To contact a member of our Anti-racism, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion team, please get in touch with us at [email protected]


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