Summer Experiential Program

UTSPA is hosting our annual Summer Experiential Program (SEP) this summer 2024.

Please sign up to become a host, which involves giving our students a brief experience of your work environment and sharing your knowledge, thoughts and enthusiasm about your profession with them! The length can range from half-day to a week-long experience.   

Sign up to become a host

SEP is a work placement experience aiming to give UTS students experience in different industry sectors through real-world working environments. Frequently Asked Questions are available below, including a recording of the information session for prospective hosts in January 2024. Also, you can also contact SEP Co-Leads at [email protected] and [email protected].



What is the Summer Experiential Program (SEP)?

Founded by the UTSPA Community, the concept for SEP was intended to be similar to an internship program, aiming to give UTS students exposure / experience to various industry sectors through real-world working environments. SEP hosts have the opportunity to allow UTS student(s) to immerse into their everyday working life and let them explore the nature of your fields so that they can have a better understanding on what their career could look like in their interested industries and help identify post secondary interests

Who are SEP hosts?

SEP hosts can be UTS parents and UTS alumni. Many parents and alumni have provided SEP placement opportunities to UTS students since 2017. A big THANK YOU to UTS parents and alumni who supported SEP in the past and we are inviting all parents and alumni who can host our students to join the upcoming 2024 SEP. UTS students’ Summer Experience Program needs your help to continue its success!

What is the commitment of SEP?

The commitment is the time and format that works for you, the SEP Host. It can be an hour or a day (or multiple hours or days). The format can be virtual or in person. SEP is flexible to help drive participation from both the hosts and students.

When will the SEP hosting period be?

The window for SEP experience is during the month of July 2024. 

How many students can a SEP host have?

There is flexibility on group size. From one student to a group of students, you can indicate how many students you’d like to host when you sign up.

What activities students usually do in SEP?


Job Shadowing, Tours, Career Outlook Seminar, Administrative Assistance, Research Assistance, Coding, Financial Modelling, Coordinating and various project-based office activities, etc. In short, any workplace activities which can benefit students’ decisions on choosing their career path would be welcome.

What industry sectors SEP covered in the past?

Banking, Law, Medical Science, Pharmaceutical, Investments, Finance, Marketing, Media, Computer Technology, Chemical Science, Non-Profit Social Works and Education, etc.

How old are UTS students who are participating in SEP?

Most of the SEP students are from M4 to S6 (Grades 10 to 12.) Students range from 15 to 17 years of age.

Are session available in-person or virtual?

For this year’s SEP, both formats are available for hosts. You can indicate your preference when you sign up.